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Nhs England Standard Alternative Provider Medical Services Contract

The National Health Service (NHS) in England has recently introduced a new type of contract known as the Standard Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) Contract. This contract seeks to increase competition among healthcare providers and improve the quality of healthcare services being offered to patients. As a professional, I have taken the time to research and understand the intricacies of this new contract, and in this article, I will provide a comprehensive overview of what the APMS contract entails.

What is the APMS Contract?

The APMS Contract was introduced in 2004, and it is designed to provide an alternative for primary care services that cannot be delivered through the General Medical Services (GMS) or Personal Medical Services (PMS) Contracts. The APMS Contract is usually awarded through a competitive tendering process, where healthcare providers bid to provide services within a specific geographic area.

Who can apply for the APMS Contract?

The APMS Contract is open to all healthcare providers, including NHS trusts, private healthcare providers, and social enterprises. To be eligible to apply for the contract, providers must demonstrate that they have the necessary resources, skills, and experience to deliver high-quality healthcare services efficiently and effectively.

What services are covered under the APMS Contract?

Under the APMS Contract, healthcare providers are required to deliver a range of primary care services, including:

– GP services

– Dental services

– Pharmacy services

– Optometry services

– Sexual health services

– Urgent care services

The scope of services provided under the APMS Contract may vary depending on the specific geographic area and patient needs.

Advantages of the APMS Contract

The APMS Contract offers several advantages, including:

– Increased competition: The competitive tendering process ensures that healthcare providers are continuously striving to improve the quality of their services to win contracts.

– Improved patient care: The APMS Contract allows healthcare providers to tailor their services to meet the needs of patients in specific geographic areas, resulting in improved patient care.


The introduction of the APMS Contract by the NHS in England is a significant step towards improving the quality of primary care services and increasing competition among healthcare providers. The contract allows healthcare providers to deliver a range of services tailored to the needs of patients in specific geographic areas. As a professional, I recommend that healthcare providers looking to apply for the APMS Contract should ensure that their applications are well-written, concise, and tailored to the specific requirements of the contract. By doing so, they will increase their chances of winning the contract and providing high-quality healthcare services to patients.